Unpopular Opinion

Happy 2025 everyone! I hope your winter break was as restful and as fun as mine. I got to spend time with family, enjoy long walks on the beach, and completely check out from all things work related. It was awesome.

And now I’m home getting ready to return to the classroom. And while it’s tough to make the mental shift back to work, I’m excited to return. And no, that’s not the unpopular opinion I’m talking about. The reason I’m looking forward to going back is that I get to start teaching recorder to my 3rd graders. That’s right: I LOVE teaching the recorder!! Yup—I said it!

So, why would anyone say this?! Well, for starters, it always melts my heart to see how excited they are to get this instrument in their hands—it’s so special to them. Secondly, I have the most incredible approach to teaching it that is fun (for them and me) and foolproof: my Rockin’ Recorders course.

Here are just a few reasons why it’s awesome:

  1. Kids don’t squeak when they play (the main reason that people hate the recorder) because it focuses on attainable articulation

  2. Every note has a memorable poem and trick for finger position (students find success quickly)

  3. Blends with Orff and Kodaly methodologies and comes with extensions to transfer/add in Orff instruments

  4. It’s modern and appealing to kids with intentional versatility and built-in differentiation

So, whether you’re a newer teacher and don’t know how to get started (and fear for your ears) or a total pro who’s looking to change up the resources you use when teaching, my Rockin’ Recorders scaffolded course is a one-stop shop for your entire recorder program.

Check out the two different versions and pick the one that best suits your style:

  1. Low-Tech Printable

  2. Google Slides Digital

Hope your first week back is great!



It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!🎄