What people are saying.

  • “I love using Joanna's products as they are fun and very accessible to the grade levels it was intended for! I used the candy composition and KABOOM for music centers with my lower grades for our fall themed week, and it was a HUGE hit! Highly recommend!"

    — Kathryn B.

  • “This is a fantastic resource for recorder! I love how the song is broken down into chunks- one measure per slide, and then gradually adding more to make it easier for students to play. Thanks so much! "

    — Harmony with Mrs. Hahn

  • “So cute! The animal artwork is adorable. Love that this product comes with all of the different syllable options! Definitely versatile."

    — Bethany J.

  • "My students loved this activity! It was fun and engaging for all learners. My administrator was observing and she appreciated that the students were able to develop teamwork skills while learning music. Highly recommended!"

    —Cecilia A.

  • "My students really enjoyed this activity. It was a great way to review rhythms and be creative. It was also a great resource to leave with a sub! Thanks!"

    —Leslie C.

  • "I use this resource in a variety of ways. For example I use it initially to have the children reference when learning instrument families. I also use these in games that we play once they are learned. The kids love them! "

    —Lori L.

  • Students are OBSESSED with this game!!! Thank you for creating something so engaging to use right before Thanksgiving Break!! Great station activity!!

    —Musically Mauter

  • Great resource to introduce the takadimi method. Nice photos with songs that are well known. Great application of the rhythms too.

    —Beth M.

  • This resource was very helpful! It explained everything about song form that my middle school beginning chorus needed to know about song form. After viewing the presentation, we reviewed the info from memory and applied it to the new song we were about to sing. The students were able to find the song's form right away. Thank you so much for a great resource!

    —Dawn R Mitchell White