I have been teaching music for decades and have watched the classroom landscape change drastically. Through a year of teaching music on Zoom, it became wildly apparent that the resources I wanted for my students did not exist. So…I started making them myself!
I’ve come a long way since 2020 and now have hundreds of tried and tested resources designed to ignite your students’ interests, pique their curiosity, and appeal to a wide variety of learners.
Students learn differently and it is my philosophy that music should be inclusive, diverse, and accessible to all. My products encourage versatility, differentiation and flexibility.
For the teacher:
How do YOU want to implement the resource?
How can it be adapted and extended to fit your individual programmatic needs?
For the students:
Which way of counting rhythms resonates for each student: Numbers? Ta’s & Ti-Ti’s? Du’s & Du-De’s?
Are you a visual learner that needs an image to help a concept resonate?
I know what kids like and my resources are geared to excite them while capturing and maintaining their attention.