How to Motivate Yourself for BTS in July

This post is a double edged sword: it’s still early July, feels like summer has barely started, and I’m finally adjusting to the slower rhythm of break. On the other hand, I have this ongoing to-do list in the back of my head: choose books to turn into performance pieces, orchestrate songs for various grade levels, select repertoire for concerts, develop lesson plans, create games for centers, and on and on it goes. 

Sometimes, those bigger tasks require more effort than I can put forth at the moment. So instead, I’m going to focus on classroom decor: creating the vibe of my classroom for the upcoming year. I usually find that this gets me excited about the year and helps me stop procrastinating those bigger (and more important) projects. It also gets my creative juices flowing! 

Whether you’re a type A, organized teacher or someone who is surrounded by stacks of paper, having colorful walls with multi-purpose posters, organized bins (for student autonomy, if nothing else!) I've got you covered. 

Here are a few of the posters I’m excited to tack up on my walls this year: 

As you can see, there’s something for everyone here (hitting all the important concepts–there are MANY more options in my store) and starting with decor is a very gentle way to ease your way out of summer and back to school. Go check it out and have fun dreaming about creating an awesome classroom for your kiddos.

Have a great week,



Happy Fall, Y’all


May Madness Meltdown? Not on my watch!