Valentine’s Day
Apparently, on Jan. 1, it’s “officially” Valentine’s Day (according to every store I’ve been to). I, however, refuse to embrace it until Feb.1. That said, it’s now, undeniably, Valentine’s Day.
Teachers' opinions on celebrating Valentine’s Day in elementary schools is varied, to say the least. In my school, Valentine’s always falls during an unusual week where we’re in school, but not in regular classes, so I tend to miss the craziness that surrounds the actual day. That said, I do like infusing my classroom with kindness and warmth and like to do activities that keep that at the forefront. If you’re anti-Valentine’s, but pro-treating people with kindness, check out these Kindness Rhythms and Composition Cards. I like to pair this activity with the book, “Have You Filled a Bucket Today.”
On to Valentine’s Day!
This first one is a FREEBIE! Yup, you read that right: FREE! And, it’s a good one. Like an 18 page kinda good one. You’re welcome!
This Valentine’s Day Google Slides Game is a rhythm match. I work at a K-12 school and like to bring in some “big kids” and have a friendly competition between my students and, say, the 10th graders. Who can read and play the rhythms? Hint: it’s usually the littles… ;p
Have you ever played Kaboom? If not, you’re missing out! It’s a class favorite and once they know the rules, you can swap out different versions to reinforce different concepts. These two levels are decked out for Valentine’s Day.
Write the Room is another class staple. It’s a scavenger hunt and the kids adore it. You hide the cards around the room and they have to find and notate the rhythms (lots of possibilities for extensions here). It’s also a great way to (unknowingly) assess your kiddos.
This song on recorder is a bop! The measures are chunked out and scaffolded to ensure student success. It can be projected and/or shared through Google Classroom for your convenience.
Lastly, my Valentine's Day Music Composition Packet can take you far. We’re talking several class periods. This activity is also great to leave with a sub! It will have your kids reading, composing, notating and playing instruments.
Hope these help your February start off with a bang!
PS! Don’t forget–on February 7-8 I’m throwing a SALE! EVERYTHING in my TPT store will be 20% off, so stock up!
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Take care,