Teaching “A” on Soprano Recorder

I have a different trick that I like to use when I introduce each note on the recorder. I like to start with “A” (controversial, I know…all you BAG folks, just hear me out–you’ll see why!). The other day, one of my students said, “Ms. Hughes, you’re so clever!” and it made me chuckle. I love that she picked up on my technique and that she was coming to class curious about what the next note and gimmick to remember it would be.

I’ve been teaching music a long time and these tricks really work and deeply resonate with the kids. 

Take a look at the video where I let you in on one of my secrets to recorder success.

And, if you like what you see, I made an entire “Rockin’ Recorders” curriculum that takes you step by step through each note on the recorder. You can choose between two formats (same curriculum): PDF and Google Slides to suit your preference.


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