How Adorable is This?!

I can’t stand how cute this is! I printed out this activity and had it sitting on my desk in my classroom and my students were very curious about it!

This “Piece of Pie” activity is a super fun (and different!) way to mix up reviewing and practicing rhythms (quarter, eighth, half notes + quarter rest). Similar to "Feed the Monster," but decked out for Thanksgiving, you:

  • Split students into small groups 

  • Turn the “pie” cards upside down and place them in a pile

  • Students take turns reading a card and playing the rhythms (body percussion, non-pitched instruments, recorder, ukulele, Orff…)

  • If they play incorrectly, they put their card back in the pile. If they get it right, they can place the slice of pie onto the full pie

You can use this as a centers rotation and set a timer–if they play through all the cards before the time is up, have them empty the pie and start over OR print out extra whole pie sheets and see how many rhythm pies they can make!

Happy teaching,



December Class Favorites


Thanksgiving Centers